Today we’ve celebrated the inauguration of the Max-Planck/PTB/RIKEN Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries, the event took place at RIKEN’s Wako-Campus in Japan. We’ve organized a symposium with invited speakers Marianna Safronova (Univ. Delaware) and Yoshiro Takahashi (Kyoto University), and center speakers Klaus Blaum (MPG), Ekkehard Peik (PTB), and Stefan Ulmer (RIKEN). Guests like Prof. M. Stratmann (President MPG), Prof. J. Ullrich (President PTB), Prof. S. Koyasu and Prof. M. Kotani (RIKEN Executive Directors), and Dr. H. von Werthern, the ambassador of Germany in Japan, joined the event.
By supporting this center, the three research institutions put critical momentum into ultra-high precision physics and tests of fundamental symmetries. The BASE collaboration - in which the three institutions are already united to perform high-precision antiproton experiments - played an important role in the approval process of the project, and will considerably profit from this new initiative. BASE projects within the center are the development of transportable antiproton traps and continued efforts to develop methods for the sympathetic cooling of antiprotons.